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Question about stage


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Hi everyone. I making a game with many stage. I make 5 character can chose before start game. So I write 5 stage game for 5 player. But if I do like it I will have 5 big file game(only diffrent player). So I can write 5 small file for 5 character and 1 big file for gameplay(enemy, boss, gameplay....) ? I need any way make my code simpler. Thank you

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Hi YuShaN,


It is hard for me to understand what you mean, but I want to try. Please let me know if I do not understand.


If you want to have different "screens" you can use Phaser.StateManager. Is found in game.state.


Phaser.State.init() can have parameters passed in. You can pass the character name into init() with Phaser.StateManager.start().


This way, you can have different players show up in the same stage.


Is that what you mean? I have put code below to show what I mean.

var game = new Phaser.Game(width, height, Phaser.AUTO, 'game-window-element', null);var characterSelect = function(game) {};characterSelect.prototype = {    preload: function() {},        update: function() {        var characterName = 'Character A';        this.game.state.start('Gameplay', true, false, characterName);    }};var gameplay = function(game) {};gameplay.prototype = {    init: function(characterName) {         console.log('character is ' + characterName);    },    create: function() {},    update: function() {}};game.state.add('Character Select', characterSelect, false);game.state.add('Gameplay', gameplay, false);game.state.start('Character Select');
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Hi YuShaN,


It is hard for me to understand what you mean, but I want to try. Please let me know if I do not understand.


If you want to have different "screens" you can use Phaser.StateManager. Is found in game.state.


Phaser.State.init() can have parameters passed in. You can pass the character name into init() with Phaser.StateManager.start().


This way, you can have different players show up in the same stage.


Is that what you mean? I have put code below to show what I mean.

var game = new Phaser.Game(width, height, Phaser.AUTO, 'game-window-element', null);var characterSelect = function(game) {};characterSelect.prototype = {    preload: function() {},        update: function() {        var characterName = 'Character A';        this.game.state.start('Gameplay', true, false, characterName);    }};var gameplay = function(game) {};gameplay.prototype = {    init: function(characterName) {         console.log('character is ' + characterName);    },    create: function() {},    update: function() {}};game.state.add('Character Select', characterSelect, false);game.state.add('Gameplay', gameplay, false);game.state.start('Character Select');

Thank you. But I mean is I had completed a game with a character in a file game.js. Now I want have 5 characters. I rewrite 5 file game.js with 5 characters. But I will have 5 big file game.js. Have any ways I just need write a file game.js and 5 file characters I can change when game start?

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Do you mean, you want to make characters to own files? In that case you need to make own class for every character and then just call when needed in game.js





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Do you mean, you want to make characters to own files? In that case you need to make own class for every character and then just call when needed in game.js





Yeah! but how about if I make 5 diffrent style move and attack for each character?

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I would make them as own functions in player class file.


Like this:

create: function() {// stuff here...},update: function(){...and stuff here...},attack1: function (){// define thigs for this attack here},attack2: function (){// define thigs here}

And then just call again when needed.

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