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BJS yesterday or today update ArcRotateCamera bug


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I don't see any changes made to the ArcRotateCamera apart from that - https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/commit/97179d04dab8902ae080b9605db1bf4509ce8ce7 , but i doubt this caused any problem with the mouse. The playground is working as well.

Are you getting any errors in the console? Have you tried the github latest build?

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Same here!


It works in IE only for me with 2.3.

Unfortunately this is really annoying so I had to switch back to 2.2.


I looked a while for any differences between the playground and my app, because in the playground it worked.


Some notes:

  - The view seemed to not receive any pointer events

  - My canvas, for example, is a flex item.


It seems like the pointer event poly fill doesn't work in particular

HTML trees with a specific kind of css positioning.


This is what it looks like for me.



Have a nice day!

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I experience no problem with the yesterday BJS version...

Could this be related to the two latest commits (about scene.picking https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/commit/9ec12206022a7740487ebc922812f0bf46b3e85b and touches https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/commit/c0c7c25a0678066c23ec8bd403dd5989101a3b09) ?

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Did a simple scene on jsfiddle and could reproduce the issue: http://jsfiddle.net/rv0ww3jp/

Using an older repository commit of BJS works: http://jsfiddle.net/rv0ww3jp/1/

(For reference, I'm testing on Chrome Mobile on Samsung Galaxy S4)

Switching to PEP is even better. That's what I tried using at first but I couldn't get PEP to work.

I tried using these link for PEP: 

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Same problem here. The ArcRotateCamera is not working on IPad anymore with the latest build.

I'm using hand.1.3.8.js and it is loaded first. I also tried pep but that doesn't help.


The problem was introduced with the change in Tools.GetPointerPrefix() in this commit:



The fix from this commit doesn't help:



changing the line if (!window.PointerEvent) back to if (!navigator.pointerEnabled) fixes the problem for me.

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If you are using PEP you cannot use a CSS rule to specify touch action but you have to add it directly to the canvas:



Thank you, that works. ^_^

That means, we have to use PEP from now on because babylonjs is currently not compatible with hands.js (regarding touch devices).

This could be a problem for someone who upgrades from babylonjs 2.2 to 2.3 don't you think? Is this change documented somewhere?

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Hmmm, even with PEP I can't use mobile touches anymore.

I think it may be relative to


If you are using PEP you cannot use a CSS rule to specify touch action but you have to add it directly to the canvas:



But since I'm injecting the canvas via javascript, I can't add touch action directly in the HTML code. And canvas.style.touchAction = "none" have no effect, I'm still not able to manipulate arcrotate on mobiles...

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