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DrawText on exported Plane from Blender


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Happy New Year to all Babylon Folks!

I was trying to export scene from Blender and then put some text on it. And I got no luck :)

So I tried to simplify my issue and export only one plane.

So I created one more plane from playground and do exactly the same code to draw text and its working, but the same code is not working on exported plane.

Maybe you will find the issue.....




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Now I have same problem when exporting from 3dMax.

So I tried everything to export just one mesh from 3dmax and put some text with dynamic texture. and text is not showing.

But color is applying.

Take a look at this playground: http://babylonjs-playground.com/#1UAWH2#18

What do I need to do with UV in 3ds max? I just put default 3ds max material on this plane and put uvmap modifier. So plane has uv's in exported file, but still text is not showing.

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Well roman - I UV mapped a plane in Blender and created a playground using your code - just substituted my exported code for yours in the "sceneObj" variable:


My Plane


Seems to work OK.


I don't know what this "uvmap modifier" does in 3dMax. Is it creating UVs or modifying UVs?


cheers, gryff :)

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This is how properties are looks like - http://i.imgur.com/gNgyMF6.png .

Everything is defaults, except V-tile. If I will put it to -1, then I will get this: http://babylonjs-playground.com/#1UAWH2#22.

And even with this text is stretched. 

gryff, thanks for your help. Do you know why your text is also stretched? What do I need to do to get normal non stretched text on non square planes?

Thanks for your help!

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