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How to get the canvas takes all the space available..


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Ok guys, I know this is not strictly about BabylonJS, but I hope that some of you already faced this issue and have an answer.

My HTML skills are very close to...nothing, but I spent a good amount of time searching, trying before asking for help.

All I want to do is using Bootstrap to create an header and footer, and I want my canvas to take the WHOLE space available between these header & footer.

Is there really no way to get out of this without some JavaScript code? What is the best way to go ?

I've made a fiddle for you to understand clearly what I'd like to achieve.


Thanks for your help.


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raaaaaaaaah, at last !!! I've made it! I analyses the CSS of the Babylonjs playground, replicate everything until I could find the answer and also the culprit !


In my case I was doing EVERYTHING right, except one little tiny thing: the bootstrap container must be defined with "position: absolute" then I use the top/bottom/height to specify the placement of it, and it works !

HTML/CSS are a mess...

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