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About Playground : some little problem


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and some other questions i have about PG

i wanna use like back link in my site for try  source in PG ( any copyright ?)

1. some times after redirect to the pg just show default without hashtag and finally you need back and copy hashtag to see result

2. after resize (hide editor) canvas is resized but when do back(show editor) resize is not work

3. when we use the other javascript link in PG and save it anybody see it in first time have error but after run source in there it work

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A quick answer about copyrights - 

Legally - everything is privately copyrighted, until a different license was defined. So technically you cannot use the plyground - it is all copyrighted material (unless the person who wrote it licensed it). Having said that, most playgrounds don't really indicate who wrote them. And I believe the "fair use" clause can also be used here - Anyone storing his playground is expecting others to be able to see it and use it.

Maybe it would be wise to set a license to the playground! @Deltakosh , any thoughts about that?

1) can you give examples? or does it happen sporadically?

2) Yep, you are right :) Let's see how we solve this.

3) Can you give example to such playgrounds? do they involve external libraries? some event registration?

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Man, the forum is HOPPIN'!  Phew!

Ok NasimiAsl, I will add to your playground topic.

4.  This might be difficult to change, but, in my Firefox @playground... doing "back" is not working.  I think I see the playground doing a "double run" thing, which is probably the reason, and it might be unavoidable.

5.  If possible, I would like to see the playground ask "Are you sure?" when a user types control-r, or shifted-control-r.  Maybe even default to "NO".  Maybe vote/talk about this, though.  Some users might not want this.  It would DEFINITELY be annoying to anyone who is working-on the playground's own code/HTML.  Maybe my idea is a bad one.  :)  Ignore, at will.

6.  Was a black and red checker-board texture recently added... and activated... if/where a texture/image fails to load?  I LOVE this idea, as it eliminates the "silent fail" problem for CORS-blocked and 404-error texture loads.  But maybe... hmm...  maybe that texture should have "failed image load" and "possible 404" and maybe the international symbol for "something broke"...  printed many times atop it.  It could be printed subtle, too... barely noticeable.  *shrug*  Currently, users might think "hunh, that url somehow pointed-to the wrong texture"... when actually, the playground placed "the fallback texture" into the scene... automatically... FOR them.

Ok, that's all I got. :)

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1 hour ago, Wingnut said:

6.  Was a black and red checker-board texture recently added... and activated... if/where a texture/image fails to load?  I LOVE this idea, as it eliminates the "silent fail" problem for CORS-blocked and 404-error texture loads.  But maybe... hmm...  maybe that texture should have "failed image load" and "possible 404" and maybe the international symbol for "something broke"...  printed many times atop it.  It could be printed subtle, too... barely noticeable.  *shrug*  Currently, users might think "hunh, that url somehow pointed-to the wrong texture"... when actually, the playground placed "the fallback texture" into the scene... automatically... FOR them.

Just a small note - this is not a playground feature. This is Babylon's feature. Defined here - https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/blob/master/src/Tools/babylon.tools.ts#L285

As you can see, it also throws an error. You can find this log in your console, or using the debug layer after checking the "Logs" checkbox.. (http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#1MLBFM , open debugLayer, click Logs)

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