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Tween -> run function -> tween


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//tween out of stagevar tween = game.add.tween(object);tween.to({x: 1000}, 2000);tween.onComplete.add(foobar, this);tween.start();function foobar() {    //teleport somewhere    object.x = -100;    //tween back to stage    var two = game.add.tween(object);    two.to({x: 300}, 2000);    two.start();}

Something like that?

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I don't think you can pass parameter to the function but you could use a simple variable if you simply want to modify it whitin the same scope if not you can make it global.

//variablevar x = -100;//if you need it in a complete different scope you can also make it global likewindow.globalstorage = {};globalstorage.x = -100;//tween out of stagevar tween = game.add.tween(object);tween.to({x: 1000}, 2000);tween.onComplete.add(foobar, this);tween.start();function foobar() {//teleport somewhereobject.x = x;//or if you need globalobject.x = globalstorage.x;//tween back to stagevar two = game.add.tween(object);two.to({x: 300}, 2000);two.start();}
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Yeah, that could be done that way but it looks cubersome if you want for example to animate multiple properties or something.

Wouldn't be nice to have the tween accept an object for the parameters you want to use in the callback functions?


something like


tween.onComplete.add(foobar, this, {obj: mySprite, var1: val1, var2: val2});


and then, on the foobar function


function foobar(attrs){

var obj = attrs.obj;

var myCustomValue = attrs.val1




That would be very helpful I think.

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On a related note, if you chain several .to() 's together, then use the onComplete on the last .to(), it seems it thinks it is complete when the first .to() has finished.

Is there a way for the onComplete to be complete and run the callback after the last .to() has finished?

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Terumi: you nearly had the solution.


When you call 

tween.onComplete.add(foobar, {obj: mySprite, var1: val1, var2: val2});

you are passing an object as the scope for "this" in the event.

So inside the method foobar, you will be able to access this.objthis.var1this.var2, and so on.

There is no need to encapsulate anything in an additional method.


To wrap it up, here's poweroffear's code - slightly modified to access your custom properties from the callback function:

//tween out of stagevar tween = game.add.tween(object);tween.to({x: 1000}, 2000);tween.onComplete.add(foobar, {obj: object, targetX: 10, targetY: 10});tween.start();function foobar() {    //teleport somewhere    this.obj.x = this.targetX;    this.obj.y = this.targetY;}
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