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Magic_Marble Demo


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So after a 10 hour hack-a-thon... I was able to come up with this so far:

Lots to do still, you can look at the commit list for what I am working on... all TODO's

Almost there though, should be able to build and test a level soon... once that is available I will look at a save and load level feature, redesigning the UI and making it way more usable.

Not like it matters but this all spawned from this quick concept render I did...and this is it being worked out...  here is that original inspiration:

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I know this is kinda fast to post agian, but I added a key feature of changing your mode to test level...
All physics applied, but I dont have the sub menus to access the objects properties for the physics yet so its all just set in stone for the second...
AND none of it matters because I have not attached controls yet... that's next on the list.

See Commit List for TODO's...

Added camera controls and the background settings to change sensitivities, the camera is binded to the arrows, the balls movement will be bound to the wsad keys shift space 1 2 3 and 4.
Will be implementing Game controllers as well.

Kinda thinking about making this a private project on github... I'm starting to see a profitable deployment of this...

Added Grounded checking and the ability to jump.
will add movement tomorrow or this weekend sometime. I am done for the day... phew...

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haha thanks!

Here are some physic experiments I have been working on to try to get a better understanding of the system,  Im kinda thinking about writing up some custom classes to make some of this easier o_O... Especially the Parsing of BABYLON.Vector3's to what ever physic engines Vector3's.

Simple Restitution Test

More Advance Restitution Test

and Finally a comparison of the different methods of propulsion... this one was a little difficult because I could not for the life of me figure out how to make a imposter that served as a container, not a "keeper outer".  I had seen my objects glitch when going to fast and "enter" into extrudes so i figured that was the ticket... and sure enough it was.
^^ you should move the scale on line 137 to 0.1
I think I have the ability to access anything I want now, and honestly the best help has been to console.log(obj.body); and see what prototypes I have available.  I know I have access to the API but for some reason this way is making more since to me.

Ohh yea and im posting the commits here in the next few mins for the Trigger engine for the game, and a level bounding box with a prebuilt trigger to reset and "respawn" the ball..  Its a little glitch right now because for some reason the reset only works once... but uhhh yea too man irons in the fire right now...

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