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How to diminish or eliminate reflection


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There are a lot of posts about achieving reflection in various materials. Actually, I would like to diminish or even reduce the reflection.

When viewed at an off-center/downward angle, it's okay. But when pointing directly down, the "glare" is just stupid and unworkable.

Picture, if you will, simulating "grass", which is more of an absorbing material than a reflective one, IMO.

Thank you...


Michael Powell

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It depends if you are talking about reflection or specular reflection.

You can reduce the glare of objects simply by modifying the specularColor of your material (a color 0, 0, 0 will completly remove the specular). You can also use fresnels to change the intensity of the reflection depending on the view angle.

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33 minutes ago, Vousk-prod. said:

It depends if you are talking about reflection or specular reflection.

You can reduce the glare of objects simply by modifying the specularColor of your material (a color 0, 0, 0 will completly remove the specular). You can also use fresnels to change the intensity of the reflection depending on the view angle.

specularColor did the trick, thank you.

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