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WebGL Analytics


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Hey, Babylon citizens!

I'm trying to find some kind of analytics for interaction with WebGL. 

What I need is to get some info about how long user spend watching for some Babylon stuff (playing game) in canvas element, track clicks on babylon scene and so on.

I was investigating this field and found that there is nothing to track webgl or canvas interaction. All services such as Google Analytics, Clicky, Mouseflow, which can give you info about where user clicks and how long etc... and even can write video of mouse moving will not give me what is happening on canvas element at that point of time. Which means I don't know what user is doing with WebGL.

I know that I can track what I need manually and store all data somewhere to get analytics what I need. Like for example send time when user start scene in Babylon, and then get time when canvas element destroyed for example. But just want to double-check with you guys that I'm not missing some existing software. 

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Use Google Tag Manager perhaps. You can set up events in javascript such as:

dataLayer.push({ event: 'canvas_loaded', load_time: '2867ms', label: 'whatever you want here etc.'});

These events you can add anywhere. You can even log all client-side javascript errors to see if your game have any fatal bugs.

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