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Scale game to different mobile devices


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Hi guuys! can you help me, I have read a lot of tutorial regarding scaling game sizes in different mobile screens but none is seems to work for me. can you help me how to scale  game in portrait mode to different screen sizes? thank you so much!

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18 hours ago, kikemx78 said:

Don't know if this can help....

Go check out my code on







sir in your boot state 

var w = screen.width;
var h = screen.height;

var gW = 0;
var gH = 0;
var mW = 0;
var mH = 0;

var displaySize = "";

if ( w <= 599 ){
  gW = 568;
  gH = 320;
  mW = 599;
  mH = 399;
  displaySize = "SM";

if ( w >= 600 && w < 839 ){
  gW = 736;
  gH = 414;
  mW = 839;
  mH = 560;
  displaySize = "NL";

if ( w >= 840 && w < 1199 ){
  gW = 960;
  gH = 541;
  mW = 1199;
  mH = 675;
  displaySize = "LG";

if ( w >= 1200 && w < 1921){
  gW = 1770;
  gH = 948;
  mW = 1921;
  mH = 1055;
  displaySize = "XXL";

if ( w == 1024 && h == 768 ){
  gW = w;
  gH = h;
  mW = w;
  mH = h;
  displaySize = "iPad";


what does this code do? thank you so much!

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var configuration = {
'canvas_width_max' : 2048,					
'canvas_width' : 1000,						
'canvas_height_max' : 2048,				
'canvas_height' : 650,						
'scale_ratio' : 1,							
'aspect_ratio' : 1,							

configuration.canvas_width = window.screen.availWidth * window.devicePixelRatio;
configuration.canvas_height = window.screen.availHeight * window.devicePixelRatio;
configuration.aspect_ratio = configuration.canvas_width / configuration.canvas_height;
if (configuration.aspect_ratio < 1) configuration.scale_ratio = configuration.canvas_height / configuration.canvas_height_max;
else configuration.scale_ratio = configuration.canvas_width / configuration.canvas_width_max;

game = new Phaser.Game(configuration.canvas_width, configuration.canvas_height, options.render, 'gamewindow');

this.game.scale.fullScreenScaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
this.game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;



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