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Events for scrolling map


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I'm trying to set up mouse events to move an isometric map.  Everything I've tried breaks pixi.js' sprite events.

I have a container that holds the ground sprites and another for buildings.  It seems like I should put them on the ground container but then the building events don't work.

If I put a mousedown callback on both containers only the one for the ground fires even though it is rendering underneath the other container.

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I think I figure it out.  The world is divided up into areaContainers.  I turn their visibility off if they're not onscreen.

  |   |- groundContainer
  |   |- buildingContainer
  |   |- groundContainer
  |   |- buildingContainer
      |- groundContainer
      |- buildingContainer

needs to be

  |- groundContainer
  |   |- areaContainer
  |   |- areaContainer
  |   |- areaContainer
  |- buildingContainer
      |- areaContainer
      |- areaContainer
      |- areaContainer


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Hello! Which version of PIXI are you using? 

Unfortunately, I cant pinpoint your problem using that information. Yes, there are many problems with Interaction, and to solve them one must have a demo that reproduces the bug.

Please create a demo with few containers and sprites, with simple textures, that shows it.

btw, that thing can help you with ordering elements for rendering: https://github.com/pixijs/pixi-display

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