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WebVRFreeCamera Android moga pro and more


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I am trying some of my stuff on a phone. My Note 5 is currently my test bed. 

I just put in the  VirtualJoysticksCamera and the joysticks did not show up no error either ?

I have read there is something called HandJS should I use that instead? 


So I shrugged my shoulders and said lets try VR its more fun anyway. 

I just starting experimenting with SamsungGear, and a joystick. (Moga)

All I have done is switch from the FreeCamera to the WebVRFreeCamera and disable the auto

Samgsung startup with Package Disableer Pro ( a 99cent must have)

I have issues in movement  Using the Moga in B mode HID

I can only use the game pad, none of the joysticks work. I imagine you can attach them somehow. 


And the speed of movement is way too fast. Is there a way to slow that down and how do you get the joysticks to work. 



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Started there ended up in this function

VirtualJoystick.prototype._drawVirtualJoystick = function () {

The touch.x and touch.y are undefined. Also there are to beginPath() in the else statement and one closePath()

Anyone know where the touch.x and touch.y get set? That was tough to find

 VirtualJoystick.vjCanvasContext.arc(touch.x, touch.y, 40, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);

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