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Shoot multiple bullets at a time


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Hi everyone,

I'm following a tutorial about creating a shoot 'em up with Phaser but I got stuck when creating a power up that allows you to shoot multiple bullets at a time.
As Richard Davey says it should be as simple as calling the .fire() method multiple times but it doesn't work, only the first call to .fire() gets executed no matter what.

Here's my code:

for ( var i = 0; i < this.weaponLevel; i++ ) {

	// Left bullets
	var left = new Phaser.Point(this.player.position.x - 10*i, this.player.position.y - 20);
	this.weapon.fireAngle = -95 - i*10;

	// Right bullets
	var right = new Phaser.Point(this.player.position.x + 10*i, this.player.position.y - 20);
	this.weapon.fireAngle = -85 + i*10;


I've googled a lot and unfortunately I found nothing.

Thanks in advance.

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Ok, I figured it out, it's quite simple when you know what's the problem.

When my power up is active I set the weapon .fireRate property to 0, in order to shoot multiple bullets at a time, then the fire rate is managed "the old way" using this.time.now + an additional time (in my case it's the this.WEAPON_FIRE_RATE variable).
After the power up effect finishes I set:

  • the weapon's fireRate property back to its original value
  • the this.weaponLevel variable back to 0 in order to shoot "normally"
if ( this.weaponLevel === 0 ) {


} else {

	// This allows us to shoot multiple bullets at a time
	this.weapon.fireRate = 0;

	if ( this.nextShotPowerUpAt > this.time.now ) return;

	this.nextShotPowerUpAt = this.time.now + this.WEAPON_FIRE_RATE;

	for ( var i = 0; i < this.weaponLevel; i++ ) {

		// Left bullets
		var left = new Phaser.Point(this.player.position.x - (10+i*6), this.player.position.y - 20);
		this.weapon.fireAngle = -95 - i*10;
		// Right bullets
		var right = new Phaser.Point(this.player.position.x + (10+i*6), this.player.position.y - 20);
		this.weapon.fireAngle = -85 + i*10;




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