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update called when exists = false


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This is has been asked a few times on the forum but there never seems to be a clear answer. Looking at the 'update' code for group, it doesn't take 'exists' into consideration so update keeps getting called for all children. Having a non-existing entity 'spin' when it's not used is unnecessary and risky (performance, invalid state). How do people normally deal with it? Some options to avoid this could be to check 'exists' at the top of each update and return when it's false, or maybe it's possible to override Group and add this behaviour to update, or check for 'active/inactive' states in update. There must be a good reason it's been implemented this way but I'm not sure what it is.


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I probably should explain what I'm doing. I've extended the sprite class and have overridden the update method, and then added it to the tree with exsits = false for pooling/re-use at create time. I could do a 'forEach' within the state.update() but the stage.update() will call all the update() methods in the tree (exists or not) after state.update(), unless I'm not understanding things correctly. Maybe extending Phaser.Sprite and overriding update() is not the done thing. Thanks for the help.


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3 hours ago, qa_foo said:

I probably should explain what I'm doing. I've extended the sprite class and have overridden the update method, and then added it to the tree with exsits = false for pooling/re-use at create time. I could do a 'forEach' within the state.update() but the stage.update() will call all the update() methods in the tree (exists or not) after state.update(), unless I'm not understanding things correctly. Maybe extending Phaser.Sprite and overriding update() is not the done thing. Thanks for the help.

Extending sprite is perfectly OK. You are right, that update is called (as well as postUpdate). Only preUpdate is exited early if exists = false.

For pooling you can completely remove child from scene tree (with remove methods) and store it in some ... pool. When needed, you can take it from pool and add (with any of add methods) into scene tree again. Below is my generic Pool class (in TypeScript) I use in my games. When constructing, pool is created with X items of type T - by default it can grow if no new items are in pool. Then take item from pool with item = createItem() and return it with destroyItem(item)

namespace Utils {

    export class Pool<T> {

        private _classType: any;
        private _newFunction: Function = null;

        private _count: number = 0;
        private _pool: T[] = [];

        private _canGrow: boolean = true;

        private _maxPoolSize: number = 0;

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        constructor(aClassType: any, aCount: number, aNewFunction = null) {
            this._classType = aClassType;
            this._newFunction = aNewFunction;

            for (var i = 0; i < aCount; i++) {
                // create new item
                var item = this.newItem();
                // store into stack of free items
                this._pool[this._count++] = item;

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public createItem(): T {
            if (this._count === 0) {
                console.log("size = " + ++this._maxPoolSize);
                return this._canGrow ? this.newItem() : null;
            } else {
                return this._pool[--this._count];

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public destroyItem(aItem: T): void {
            this._pool[this._count++] = aItem;

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public set newFunction(aNewFunction: Function) {
            this._newFunction = aNewFunction;

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected newItem(/* arg1: {new() : T}*/): T {
            if (this._newFunction !== null) {
                return this._newFunction();
            } else {
                return new this._classType;

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public set canGrow(aCanGrow: boolean) {
            this._canGrow = aCanGrow;


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Just to explain: The reason 'update' is called, no matter what, is because the function is entirely empty, and does nothing.

It's there for overriding by you, to do whatever you want it to do. So if you don't want it processed if the sprite doesn't exist, that check should be made at the start of the function. There are many cases where you may not require that though, so it's left up to you to decide.

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