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Parent object rotation problem

Snow Bars

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I have a problem with parent mesh rotation. Scene has two objects which will be rotation around center of bottom object. If bottom object placed on scene center then objects rotation correctly. But if replace bottom object then stranges begin... I create parrent mesh for object and try to rotate it. http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#1KU02Z#0

Please tell me where I wrong?

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On this example  http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#1KU02Z#1  all correct. 

I try describe my situation.

I have any dragable objects on scene. If drag one of them all objects drags as single object. It implemented via recalculation its coordinates. Bottom object is platform for upper objects. If rotate bottom object all object upper it must rotate around bottom object center. For this goal I try assembly rotating objects in single parrent object and rotate it. If assemble object -> rotate it -> disassemble object -> move "primary" objects -> assemble parent object -> rotate parent object then objects rotate any strange. 

I can't understand that happens.

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