Samuel Imbert Posted October 1, 2016 Share Posted October 1, 2016 Hello everybody, I'm new at coding with I'm trying it on this first artistic project : On my computer, the animation is not fluid, but i can't understand why... Could you help me? My code looks like this: //PHASER var game = new Phaser.Game( parseInt($('#home-content-wrapper').css('width'))*80/100, parseInt($('#home-content-wrapper').css('height')), Phaser.AUTO, 'home-content-wrapper', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render }); function preload () { game.load.image('cercle_rouge', 'images/cercle_rouge1.svg.png'); game.load.image('triangle_bleu', 'images/triangle_bleu.svg.png'); game.load.image('barre_rouge', 'images/barre_rouge.svg.png'); game.load.image('carre_bleu', 'images/carre_bleu.svg.png'); game.load.image('barre_jaune', 'images/barre_jaune.svg.png'); game.load.image('rectangle_jaune', 'images/rectangle_jaune.svg.png'); } rotate_triangle = false; function create () { game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); var canvas_height = window_height - 220; var canvas_width = window_width * 80 / 100; //CERCLE ROUGE cercle_rouge = game.add.sprite(, canvas_height*20/100, 'cercle_rouge'); cercle_rouge.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); cercle_rouge.scale.setTo(0.45,0.45); //TRIANGLE BLEU triangle_bleu = game.add.sprite(canvas_width*18/100, canvas_height*19/100, 'triangle_bleu'); triangle_bleu.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); triangle_bleu.scale.setTo(0.5,0.5); //BARRE ROUGE barre_rouge = game.add.sprite(canvas_width*10/100, canvas_height*38/100, 'barre_rouge'); barre_rouge.anchor.setTo(0, 0); barre_rouge.scale.setTo(0.5,0.5); //CARRE BLEU carre_bleu = game.add.sprite(canvas_width*21/100, canvas_height*60/100, 'carre_bleu'); carre_bleu.anchor.setTo(0, 0); carre_bleu.scale.setTo(0.5,0.5); //BARRE JAUNE barre_jaune = game.add.sprite(canvas_width*10/100, canvas_height*70/100, 'barre_jaune'); barre_jaune.anchor.setTo(0, 0); barre_jaune.scale.setTo(0.5,0.5); //RECTANGLE JAUNE rectangle_jaune = game.add.sprite(canvas_width*80/100, canvas_height*15/100, 'rectangle_jaune'); rectangle_jaune.anchor.setTo(0, 0); rectangle_jaune.scale.setTo(0.5,0.5); game.physics.enable([rectangle_jaune, barre_jaune, carre_bleu, barre_rouge, cercle_rouge ], Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); cercle_rouge.body.collideWorldBounds = true; cercle_rouge.body.bounce.set(1); //cercle_rouge.body.gravity.set(0, 180); carre_bleu.body.collideWorldBounds = true; carre_bleu.body.bounce.set(1); barre_rouge.body.collideWorldBounds = true; barre_rouge.body.bounce.set(1); //rectangle_jaune.body.velocity.setTo(-8, -8); //rectangle_jaune.body.collideWorldBounds = true; //rectangle_jaune.body.bounce.set(1);*/ setTimeout(animate_canvas, 3000); } function update() { if (rotate_triangle) triangle_bleu.angle += 0.1; // Note: Due to a bug in Chrome the following doesn't work atm: // sprite.angle++; // See: } function render() { //game.debug.spriteInfo(triangle_bleu, 32, 32); // game.debug.text('angularVelocity: ' + sprite.body.angularVelocity, 32, 200); // game.debug.text('angularAcceleration: ' + sprite.body.angularAcceleration, 32, 232); // game.debug.text('angularDrag: ' + sprite.body.angularDrag, 32, 264); // game.debug.text('deltaZ: ' + sprite.body.deltaZ(), 32, 296); } animate_canvas = function(){ cercle_rouge.body.velocity.setTo(8, 8); barre_rouge.body.velocity.setTo(8, -8); carre_bleu.body.velocity.setTo(9, 0); rotate_triangle = true; } stop_canvas = function(){ cercle_rouge.body.velocity.setTo(0, 0); barre_rouge.body.velocity.setTo(0, 0); carre_bleu.body.velocity.setTo(0, 0); rotate_triangle = false; } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lumoludo Posted October 2, 2016 Share Posted October 2, 2016 I don't see any issues with the example in the link you shared. It looks like everything moves smoothly on my computer at least. One change I would recommend to help with fluidity is in your update function. Instead of adding a fixed number to your rotation when update() is called, it is better to add a value multiplied by the amount of time elapsed since the last time update was called. This is because the update function is not guaranteed to happen at the same frequency every frame, and will happen at much different rates depending on the speed of the computer, lag, etc. The modified code would like something like this: if (rotate_triangle) triangle_bleu.angle += 3.14 * game.time.elapsedMS / 1000; This code will have the triangle rotate 180 degrees per second, regardless of whether it is running on a fast or slow computer. Angle is measured in radians here. Alternatively, you could just set the triangle's angularVelocity value in animate_canvas() and not manually change the value in the update. Setting the angularVelocity is pretty simple, and is measured in degrees per second: triangle_bleu.angularVelocity = 30; Samuel Imbert and samme 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samuel Imbert Posted October 2, 2016 Author Share Posted October 2, 2016 Thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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