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prototype difference vs posx and this.posx


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i would understand the difference between example 1 and example 2 with the usage of "this.posx" and simply "posx"

is it the same ? why in some code i see the usage of this.something ?

//example 1
object_physics = function(game,posx,posy,im,Group){

object_physics.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Sprite.prototype)
object_physics.prototype.constructor = object_physics

//example 2
object_physics = function(game,posx,posy,im,Group){

object_physics.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Sprite.prototype)
object_physics.prototype.constructor = object_physics


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So both are doing the same as I can see.
If you use ES6 the syntax will be much clearer and I think more understandable.

what EX1 does is assigning new properties (this.posx) to the Object (object_physics). So that object_physics.posx will return a value.
this is a good practise if your class (Sprite or something) has certain methods. You can reference and access the properties inside.

I have written an example for better understanding:
Your Hero can collect items, there is a method for this and since we referenced the items by "this.data.itemsCollected", we can access "this.data.itemsCollected".

class Hero extends Phaser.Sprite {
  constructor( x, y ){
    //x and y are passed by the code at the bottom, by calling 'new'.
    super( x, y, 'Hero-image.png');
    //super calls the Phaser.Sprite and passes all 
    //parameters: x, y, 'Hero-image.png' into the constructor of the Phaser.Sprite class.

    this.data.name = 'Super Meat Boy';
    this.data.itemsCollected = 0;
    this.data.abilities = [];
    // so in the constructor we are setting up the Hero and assigning values on properties (this.something)

  collectItem( item ) {
    //an item is collected and passed as a parameter into the method call.
    this.data.itemsCollected.push( item );
    //now that we assigned a property(this.something | this.data.itemsCollected)
    //to out Hero, we can use it inside his methods 
    //to do things like modifying that value the property keeps.

  jump() {
    if( this.blocked.down) {
      this.body.velocity.y = -100;
      return true;
    return false;

  //..more code ..

new Hero( 20, 50);

Why not saving everything with global variables?
- because of performance
- clean code
- "this" relates to the certain objects, with a global var you won't have the reference
- reusability (classes can be extended = used by other "subheroes" and being extended, means: they all share the same methods

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