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[Canvas2D] Dispose WorldSpaceCanvas; backgroundFill; text rendering technique


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Hey again folks!

I have a question, maybe two, and something i thought i'd point my finger to.

1st) How can i get rid of world space canvas? I've made a playground here http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#1U61MP#1 and you can see that even after disposing the canvas it keeps blocking being able to click the upper part of the button. I want it gone out of this existence! (Oh and on my local 2.4 babylon project disposing worldspace canvas actually gets rid of other canvases too, but i'm thinking that's something that was maybe fixed in 2.5. I hope anyways. :))

2nd) How come backgroundFill: "#000000AA" works when creating the canvas but it doesn't when i tried to use it in the click function? I found out about GetSolidColorBrushFromHex and it works but i think it's a bit strange. It's like the rules of the game changed and i don't know why or where they changed. :huh:

3rd) I read in the Canvas2D main post Signed Distance Field was implemented after it was suggested so i just wanted to throw this out there: https://medium.com/@evanwallace/easy-scalable-text-rendering-on-the-gpu-c3f4d782c5ac#.d79338enh and http://wdobbie.com/post/gpu-text-rendering-with-vector-textures/

Those seem interesting to me but i don't know if they are.


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