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event on collision - display scoreboard


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I've been following the Zenva "HTML5 Mobile Game Development with Phaser" tutorial but have run into a problem.

I need to call the scoreboard on collegian between the player and obstacle sprites.  but when I try I get "Uncaught TypeError: scoreboard is not a constructor".  Can anyone suggest how this can be fix, or a better way of going about it.

vaultage.game = function() {};

vaultage.game.prototype = {
  create : function() {

    // physics engine

    // player
    this.player = this.add.sprite(45, 200, 'player');

    // obstacles
    this.obstacles = this.game.add.group();
    this.obstacles.enableBody = true;

    // score text
    this.score = this.game.add.bitmapText(700, 10, 'courier', this.game.time.totalElapsedSeconds(), 20);
    this.startingTime = new Date();

    // run the functions to create obstacles

  update : function() {

    // time tracker
    var thisTime = new Date();
    var diff = (thisTime.getTime() - this.startingTime.getTime())/1000;
    this.score.text = diff;
    if (this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this.player, this.obstacles)) {


  shutdown : function() {

  endGame: function(player, obstacles) {


    var scoreboard = new scoreboard(this.game);



scoreboard prefab :-

var scoreboard = function(game) {
  Phaser.Group.call(this, game);

scoreboard.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Group.prototype);
scoreboard.prototype.constructor = scoreboard;

score.prototype.show = function(score) {
  var bmd, background, gameoverText, startText;

  bmd = this.game.add.bitmapData(this.game.width, this.game.height);
  bmd.ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
  bmd.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.game.width, this.game.height);

  background = this.game.add.sprite(0,0, bmd);
  background.alpha = 0.5;
  this.y = this.game.height;

scoreboard.prototype.restart = function() {

  gameoverText = this.game.add.bitmapText(0, 100, 'courier', 'game over', 20);
  gameoverText.x = this.game.width/2 - (gameoverText.textWidth /2);

  startText = this.game.add.bitmapText(0, 300, 'courier', 'Play Again', 16);
  startText.x = this.game.width/2 - (startText.textWidth /2);

  this.game.add.tween(this).to({y: 0}, 1000, phaser.Easing. Bounce.out, true);

  this,game.input.onDown.addOnce(this.restart, this);

scoreboard.prototype.restart = function() {
  this.game..state.start('Game', true, false);


the scoreboard is basically the same as the zenva one with some small changes. i'll be altering more once I get my mead around what. but so far its not showing at all. 

*the prefab is linked in my index.html 


Edited by crffty
refining question
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What went wrong?


"There was an attempt to use an object or a variable as a constructor, but that object or variable is not a constructor (class). "

Your variable (scoreboard) after new is not a constructor

var scoreboard = new scoreboard(this.game);

How to fix? Declare your scoreboard class code before follow:

vaultage.game = function() {};


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