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generateFrameNames TypeScript definition missing?

Karma Octopus

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Another error in the TypeScript definitions file (I think) is that the frames property on makeParticles in Particles.Arcade.Emitter should be of type: number and not string[].


Right?: makeParticles( keys: string[], frames: number, quantity: number, collide: boolean, collideWorldBounds: boolean): Phaser.Particles.Arcade.Emitter;


Current: makeParticles( keys: string[], frames: string[], quantity: number, collide: boolean, collideWorldBounds: boolean): Phaser.Particles.Arcade.Emitter;

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Rich do you know if the source of phaser.d.ts should be enough up to date to run the simple code outlined here:



Had some problems initially (was on VS2012, updated to VS2013 fixed that). Thought I was clear, but I'm getting tons of error right of the bat when trying to compile the first go:

Error	34	Build: Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target.	C:\Projekt\GameHyperia\GameHyperia\app.ts	4	32	GameHyperiaError	35	Build: Could not select overload for 'new' expression.	C:\Projekt\GameHyperia\GameHyperia\app.ts	4	32	GameHyperiaError	36	Build: Generic type references must include all type arguments.	C:\Projekt\GameHyperia\GameHyperia\phaser.d.ts	4	21	GameHyperiaError	37	Build: Duplicate identifier 'stage'.	C:\Projekt\GameHyperia\GameHyperia\phaser.d.ts	65	13	GameHyperiaError	38	Build: Generic type references must include all type arguments.	C:\Projekt\GameHyperia\GameHyperia\phaser.d.ts	147	21	GameHyperiaError	39	Build: Generic type references must include all type arguments.	C:\Projekt\GameHyperia\GameHyperia\phaser.d.ts	148	33	GameHyperiaError	40	Build: Generic type references must include all type arguments.	C:\Projekt\GameHyperia\GameHyperia\phaser.d.ts	904	32	GameHyperia[...tons of errors omitted for brevity...]Error	65	Build: Generic type references must include all type arguments.	C:\Projekt\GameHyperia\GameHyperia\phaser.d.ts	1798	80	GameHyperiaError	66	Build: Generic type references must include all type arguments.	C:\Projekt\GameHyperia\GameHyperia\phaser.d.ts	1800	46	GameHyperia

First error is for calling new Phaser.Game


Sorry I can't be more descriptive than that, still just getting around with typescript so far


Edit: Ok so after some tinkering I got it to compile.

I added two arguments to the new constructor call. Then I added TONS of <Object> type declarations to wherever the IDE showed an Array to be erroneous.

Am I going about it the right way? At the start of the file I have:

static GAMES: Array<Phaser.Game>;

But as for the rest of them (generics I think?) I just put Object.

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A easy way of change phaser.d.ts, is do a right-click in the class, and choose go to definition. Then check the definition in http://gametest.mobi/phaser/docs/ and put in the end of the class. Some properties of Sprite are inherited from Pixi DisplayObject, like Alpha. In this case I put directly in the Sprite class, for my use. But maybe for the repo this is not the best way.

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