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Obtaining source height for tileSprite


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Hi guys,

I'm wondering if there's an easy way to obtain the source height for a tileSprite image.

I know for a basic sprite you can just use sprite.height once it's been placed, but that's because you don't need to declare a height initially. If you are to do it for a tileSprite you will just get the height you have preset yourself.

The only way I've managed to do it is by placing the tileSprite image as a basic sprite outside of the game area and then using that, like below:

getSpriteHeight = this.game.add.sprite(-1000, -1000, 'tileSpriteSrc');
myTileSprite = this.game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, 500, getSpriteHeight.height, 'tileSpriteSrc');

But I'm wondering if there's an easier/cleaner method that doesn't involve me placing unnecessary assets outside the game area.




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Hi Samme,

Thanks for getting back.

That's great, thanks! That has worked on getting the height of source, but only after the tileSprite is created. Is there a way to get immediately so I don't have to put a default first and then apply the real height afterwards? Or is that the only way to go? Like below:

myTileSprite = this.game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, 500, 100, 'tileSpriteSrc');
myTileSprite.height = myTileSprite.texture.frame.height


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