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Problems with TypeError: game.physics.arcade is undefined


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I am new to Phase and js, I had some problems when doing some additional works after finishing the Making your first Phaser game tutorial. I tried to add 5 baddies in the game, I did it using the same way adding stars in the tutorial. However,  I failed to Collide the baddies with the platforms the debugger shows that TypeError: game.physics.arcade is undefined. The player is not collide with the baddies as well I was confused that if I did anything wrong when adding the baddies. The physics system seems doesn't work correctly. Thank you for ur help!




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Hello there!

It seems that you're creating a group for the baddies and then you're not filling the group with baddies. That for loop is only redefining your baddie variable.

I think you're going to want to keep the baddies group variable and delete the baddie variable. Then add to the baddies group in the for loop.

Have a look at this example:


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