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Phaser.events.onInputOut not dispatched


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Hi everyone,

I'm trying to make a sprite moving when the mouse is over it and I'd like it to stop when the mouse is not over it anymore.

Here is my code:

mySprite.events.onInputOver.add(() => touchMouse = true);
mySprite.events.onInputOut.add(() => touchMouse = false);


update() {
  if (touchMouse) {
    mySprite.x += 5;

My sprite is correctly moving but the onInputOut signal is not dispatched if I don't move the pointer out of the initial position of the sprite !! This result in my sprite moving out of my pointer and continuing its journey until I move my mouse...

Is it a phaser bug? Has anyone a solution to make this work?


Thank you very much and have a good day,




I just tried to use the Phaser.InputHandler object instead but I got the same kind of bug. Here is the code:

update() {
  if (mySprite.input.pointerOver()) {
    mySprite.x += 5;


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Thank you very much for your answer !

I'm just not sure where to set the dirty variable to true. I tried to set it on inputOver but then it's immediately back to false and the bug still occurs.

I fixed the bug by setting pointer.dirty = true in the update loop, but then it will be always reset to true. Is it the correct way to do?

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