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Question about the function "_mustRebind"


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Hi there,

I have some questions about this function: _mustRebind( ... ), (which was executed inside the 'bindForSubMesh(...)' for both StandardMaterial and PBRMaterial, and was defined in the 'PushMaterial' class  )

1. I don't understand  the purpose of using this function because it always returns true. Please prove me if I'm wrong: it finally execute a comparison like: 'scene._cachedVisibility !== mesh.visibility' , which is always true, because the scene._cachedVisibility has never been used and would always be null...  right? is this a mistake? 

2. The '_mustRebind' directly returns the 'scene.isCachedMaterialValid', look into the latter function, I guess it actually did a kind of 'Invalid' check, isn't it ? If so, is it better naming it as "isCachedMaterialInvalid"?

Screen Shot 2017-08-17 at 5.30.14 PM.png


Thank you!


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Hi @Deltakosh,

I've seen your changes on git,  thank you :)

But there is still one thing not very clear to me: see the StandardMaterial class (and also happens in PBRMaterial):  the  '_mustRebind' had been called twice in the 'bindForSubMesh'. The 1st call is now make sense to me,  but the 2nd call is still always true I think, because it only passed the first 2 parameters, leaving the 3rd parameter 'visibility' as the default 0, which may mostly not equal to the scene._cachedVisibility (it is 1) . 



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