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Highlight effect


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Hi Folks,

Just one question about the highlight and the selection effect implementation. 

I appreciate this official sample http://microsoft.teia-solution.com/gerland very much. I would like to achieve the same highlight effect as shown, which means adding a transparent "orange" layer on top of the original material when hover. What is the best practice to implement this? I tried to look into the source code but it seems that the related JS is concated. 


Please help! I really like it!


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the doc page is currently being revamped, so the page is 404 (soon to be fixed!) but since all infos are on github, we can... Paste a link! https://github.com/BabylonJS/Documentation/blob/master/content/How_To/mesh/Highlight_Layer.md

Until everything is fixed, here it is : http://doc.babylonjs.com/tutorials/highlight_layer :-)


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38 minutes ago, RaananW said:


the doc page is currently being revamped, so the page is 404 (soon to be fixed!) but since all infos are on github, we can... Paste a link! https://github.com/BabylonJS/Documentation/blob/master/content/How_To/mesh/Highlight_Layer.md

Until everything is fixed, here it is : http://doc.babylonjs.com/tutorials/highlight_layer :-)


But it highlights only the silhouette right? In the demo I listed, the selected face changes its color.

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It's not a very simple playground, is it?

A quick briefing:  Any mesh can have an "actionManager".  Here's the docs for that.  Most actionManager "things"  have two parts... a trigger and an action.

Triggers:  Find the list of triggers.  As you can see, there are far more than 12 triggers, so ignore the '12' part.  :)  The two most important triggers for you... is onPointerOverTrigger, and onPointerOutTrigger.  Both of those can be registered on a SINGLE actionManager... which has been added to your "hover-able" mesh.

Actions:  BABYLON.SetValueAction would be handy, for you.  When onPointerOverTrigger happens, you want your SetValueAction to perhaps, set mesh.material.emissiveColor = new BABYLON.Color3(.8, .8, 0);   // hovered = orange.    When onPointerOutTrigger, you want your SetValueAction to perhaps set mesh.material.emissiveColor = [original color];   // un-hovered

You could also use the ExecuteCodeAction action (instead of setValueAction)... to run functions for actions.

If you DO use executeCodeAction, then you should know that a Babylon event object is sent to the executed function automatically, in the first parameter/arg.  This is exactly the same as DOM eventHandlers, which receive an event object as their first/only arg/parameter.

SO, you might have a function called... onSomeMeshHovered(bjsEvent), which executeCodeAction has been told to RUN.  The bjsEvent object has a few properties on it... such as .source property.  That property will contain a ref to the mesh that is being hovered.  Other info can be found upon that bjsEvent object, too.  Use your browser's built-in "object inspector" for fast learning of what methods/properties are found upon ANY JS object.

Hope this helps.  Holler as needed.  :)

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30 minutes ago, Wingnut said:


It's not a very simple playground, is it?

A quick briefing:  Any mesh can have an "actionManager".  Here's the docs for that.  Most actionManager "things"  have two parts... a trigger and an action.

Triggers:  Find the list of triggers.  As you can see, there are far more than 12 triggers, so ignore the '12' part.  :)  The two most important triggers for you... is onPointerOverTrigger, and onPointerOutTrigger.  Both of those can be registered on a SINGLE actionManager... which has been added to your "hover-able" mesh.

Actions:  BABYLON.SetValueAction would be handy, for you.  When onPointerOverTrigger happens, you want your SetValueAction to,perhaps, set mesh.material.emissiveColor = new BABYLON.Color3(.8, .8, 0);   // hovered = orange.    When onPointerOutTrigger, you want your SetValueAction to perhaps set mesh.material.emissiveColor = [original color];   // un-hovered

You could also use the ExecuteCodeAction action (instead of setValueAction)... to run functions for actions.

If you DO use executeCodeAction, then you should know that a Babylon event object is sent to the executed function automatically, in the first parameter/arg.  This is exactly the same as DOM eventHandlers, which receive an event object as their first/only arg/parameter.

SO, you might have a function called... onSomeMeshHovered(bjsEvent), which executeCodeAction has been told to RUN.  the bjsEvent object has a few properties on it... such as .source property.  That property will contain a ref to the mesh that is being hovered.  Other info is on that bjsEvent object, too.

Hope this helps.  Holler as needed.  :)

Thank you! I got the idea. But how can I have semi-transparent effect? Do I need to change totally the material?

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21 minutes ago, xuchen_shadow said:

Thank you! I got the idea. But how can I have semi-transparent effect? Do I need to change totally the material?

My pleasure.

I think if you set material.alpha = 0.5, or set mesh.visibility = 0.5, that should be half-transparent.

Seeing that you are working-with "selecting"... it might be interesting to know... that the graphics (thin lines) used for mesh.showBoundingBox = true... can be seen THROUGH other mesh, even when they are not set transparent.  It is related to "depth rendering", I think.  We consider it a feature.  :)

Goof around with mesh.showBoundingBox = true;   ... if bored, someday.  I saw some boundingBoxes being shown in the Teia demo.  Perhaps you want to change to orange AND showBoundingBox = true, both. 

Another fun thing... is... onHover... clone the original mesh, then set a new material on the clone, and set clone.material.wireframe = true;  When in wireframe, material.diffuseColor determines the color of the wires.  No wire thickness options available. 

Oh yeah... when de-hover, clone.dispose() or clone.visibility=0 or maybe clone.setEnabled(false). 

Various fun ways to indicate that a mesh is hovered or selected.

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