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Precise Collisions for imported meshes

Art Vandelay

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I realize this is a topic that was covered before but I couldn't find a solution and wasn't sure if there was one now.

I have several imported meshes in a scene (relatively complex ones) and I can drag and drop one at a time. I want to check whether the mesh I am dragging has collided with a different one. In that case it is blocked and can't be dragged further. The problem is I would like to check this precisely, meaning exactly when two meshes touch each other, and not just by using a bounding box. Is there any way to do this?

Thanks for your help!

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Hi guys.  Sorry for interrupting in the middle of a pending clarification question.

I just wanted to remind of the "surround with simple impostors" trick.  On mesh that aren't too complex, you can add (invisible) boxes along the edges of the mesh, and put a box impostor on each one.

In the below playground, I didn't add any physics to my "ridge boxes" yet, or ever.  But, in theory, it COULD work.  The ridge/edge boxes would need to be parented to something, so they wouldn't fly away-from mesh... upon impact.  But, in theory, 2-20 of these edge-physics "shapes"... could do physics reactions off-of one-another... fairly well.  No meshImpostors, no spheres-only limitations, but some meticulous ridge-box placements.


Here, you can see the ridge/edge boxes in white... un-parented-ly positioned upon/around the plotted mesh.

Two of the ridge-positionings... are broken.  Dunno why.  Anyway, perhaps this is a good starter playground for doing some physics tests on "ridge-physics" shapes.  Turn-on the physics, impostor the ridge-boxes, parent them to something (inside makeThing() func).   Then generate 5-10 "things", put them in a box or tumble them across a ground... see how well they work... if wanted.  Tell/show results, if you please.

Note: Avoid impostor overlap at places where multiple ridge-boxes come together, if possible (I think).

Ok, now, back to the question at-hand, for-which I am curious about the answer.  :)  Party on!

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I'm confused.  :)

I'm not an intersect pro... sorry.

Ok, single mesh drinking glass.  No extra collision-sensor mesh.

Drop marble into glass.

Can we detect collision with bottom of glass?

Or will collision trigger when marble passes glass-lip?

*scratch scratch*  I should test.  :)

"precise" parameter... and we get bottom-of-glass collision? If so, cooooool.

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