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Empty screenshot


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Hello amazing people!

I'm using the following code to try to grab a screenshot of my scene and display it in an HTML <img> tag. It seems to be working because my <img> is the same size as my canvas (1280x800).

BABYLON.Tools.CreateScreenshot(engine, camera, {precision: 1}, data => {

  var test = document.createElement('img');
  test.src = data;


However, the image is empty (only transparent pixels). Does anyone have an idea of what might be going on? Or something I could try in order to troubleshoot the issue?


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I've had better luck with CreateScreenshotUsingRenderTarget.  Try without the last 2 params I have added in this snippet, but 16 is samples.

   { precision : 1 },
   (data) => {
       ... = data;

Here is the official docs:

The last few parameters aren't on the docs page, but can be found here:

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9 hours ago, brianzinn said:

I've had better luck with CreateScreenshotUsingRenderTarget.  Try without the last 2 params I have added in this snippet, but 16 is samples.

Thanks a lot @brianzinn, CreateScreenshotUsingRenderTarget() did work for me. I'm not sure why the CreateScreenshot() method was not working, though. Also, thanks for pointing out the additional parameters. This is how I found the antialiasing flag which I needed.

Can we contribute to the documentation? I'd be happy to fill in the blanks in cases such as this one.


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7 hours ago, Kesshi said:

When you create the BABYLON.Engine the option "preserveDrawingBuffer" has to be enabled. Maybe that helps.

Yes, it does help. Thanks. However, it causes other strange things to happen. I guess you have to manually empty the buffer otherwise some stuff remains visible... That's probably why this option is not even mentioned in the documentation ;-). Anyway, I'm gonna stick to CreateScreenshotUsingRenderTarget() since it is working fine for me. Thanks a lot for your input.

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22 hours ago, brianzinn said:

Yes, you can contribute to the documentation!!  It's a separate repo - here are instructions:

I was thinking more of the API documentation. I stumbled upon a few errors that are bound to trip people up (like it did for me). As far as I can tell, the API doc is generated from source so I guess I'll just submit PRs. Thanks.

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It's @Temechon!!  Holy crap!  Howyadoon, long-time comrade?  I hope well.  Geez, you sure have been elusive.  You must be working on a secret plan to take over the world!  Cooooool.  :)  Good to see ya!

Come visit for the fun of it, sometime, eh?   You don't need to wait for a deltaPing to bring you in for coffee/lunch.  :)

You're not "out there" trying to "make a living", are ya?  Yikes!

Making a living is SO over-rated and 1980's.  So is "out there". 

"In here" is lots better.  Us's and we's are "in here".   Them's and they's are "out there".  (huh?)

(From Wingy's new book - Bloody Stories from the US-THEM Wars)  heh

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