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pauseUpdate: explanation? Can't get it to work


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I have a popup on pause that contains some functions that require an update, so I'm pausing the game and trying to use pauseUpdate but it's not running (no error thrown, just not updating).

Can someone explain pauseUpdate  and how to use it? 

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Thanks, but can you explain to me why my pointerinfo on render is not updating when this testscreen is paused?


var testpause = {
  preload: function(){
    this.game.stage.backgroundColor = '#FFF';
	this.game.load.image('pause', 'pause.png');
  create: function(){	   
	this.pause = this.game.add.button(100, 100, 'pause', this.managePause, this);  
	managePause: function() {
		this.game.paused = true;
			console.log("game paused");
		else(this.game.paused = false);
		console.log("game not paused");

	render: function(){
		 game.debug.pointer( game.input.activePointer );



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16 minutes ago, Capitaine Herlock said:

Does the book Interphase1 explains how to manage pause in an #PhaserJS manner or it's from scratch, because the example of @samme answers the question of how to pause in an easy manner

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're saying. I'm trying to find out why my code doesn't work. 

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