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Is it possible to create steep path without NINJA PHYSICS?


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Is it possible to create steep path without NINJA PHYSICS?

make the player stand on oblique  platform or steep path and the player will slip down,  Thank you very much


var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update});

var player;
var platforms;
var cursors;
var jumpButton;

function preload() {

    game.stage.backgroundColor = '#85b5e1';

    game.load.baseURL = 'http://examples.phaser.io/assets/';
    game.load.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';

    game.load.image('player', 'sprites/phaser-dude.png');
    game.load.image('platform', 'sprites/platform.png');
    game.load.image('platform2', 'sprites/platform.png');

function create() {

    player = game.add.sprite(100, 100, 'player');


    player.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
    player.body.gravity.y = 500;

    platforms = game.add.physicsGroup();
    platforms.create(-100, 200, 'platform');

    platforms.setAll('body.immovable', true);

    cursors = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
    jumpButton = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR);


function update () {

    game.physics.arcade.collide(player, platforms);
    platforms.angle = 20;
    player.body.velocity.x = 0;

    if (cursors.left.isDown)
        player.body.velocity.x = -250;
    else if (cursors.right.isDown)
        player.body.velocity.x = 250;

    if (jumpButton.isDown && (player.body.onFloor() || player.body.touching.down))
        player.body.velocity.y = -400;


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