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Dynamic Tilemaps


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referring to http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/2727-dynamic-tilemap-generation/ which has been set to "answered" I would like to know what is the 1.1.4 way of setting dynamic tilemaps (e.g. generated tilemaps in custom code).


Do I still have to use the object-layout from tiled or is there a more elegant approach in 1.1.4, as Rich announced?


Cheers and thanks!


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How "dynamic" do you need them to be? I mean there are loads of new functions in 1.1.4 specifically for the manipulation of tiles - copying, pasting, filling areas, swapping, etc. There's nothing at all from stopping you having an entirely empty Tiled level (so long as all the tileset data is set-up properly) and then creating the map on the fly whenever you want. I even made it so that you can swap whole tilesets just by changing the image key! So it's definitely a lot more powerful than it was in the past.

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