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Texture between Pixi and THREE


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I'm trying to merge 2D Pixi graphic into a Threejs scene.
I'm using PIXI.RenderTexture to generate a texture of a Pixi sprite but now i need to pass it as a sampler2D to a Threejs shader.
Is it possible?
How can i extract uSampler from the texture to pass it to the shader?

PS: i don't want to use WebGlExtract to generate canvas, or image, or base64 data fro the new texture, those will kill performances.. 

Thanks to anyone will answer!

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Yes, it is possible, I use it.


As for texture, let me get you the code parts.. i dont have workable fddle, but here it is, int typescript. You can change it to js easily.

First, patches for pixi-v4 so it doesnt store reversed Y textures. 

	export function patchRenderTarget(renderer: any) {
		PIXI.RenderTarget.prototype.calculateProjection = function(destinationFrame: PIXI.Rectangle, sourceFrame: PIXI.Rectangle)
			const pm = this.projectionMatrix;

			sourceFrame = sourceFrame || destinationFrame;


			pm.a = 1 / destinationFrame.width * 2;
			pm.d = -1 / destinationFrame.height * 2;

			pm.tx = -1 - (sourceFrame.x * pm.a);
			pm.ty = 1 - (sourceFrame.y * pm.d);

		renderer.filterManager.quad.map = function(targetTextureFrame: PIXI.Rectangle, destinationFrame: PIXI.Rectangle)
			let x = 0; // destinationFrame.x / targetTextureFrame.width;
			let y = 0; // destinationFrame.y / targetTextureFrame.height;

			this.uvs[0] = x;
			this.uvs[1] = y + (destinationFrame.height / targetTextureFrame.height);

			this.uvs[2] = x + (destinationFrame.width / targetTextureFrame.width);
			this.uvs[3] = y + (destinationFrame.height / targetTextureFrame.height);

			this.uvs[4] = x + (destinationFrame.width / targetTextureFrame.width);
			this.uvs[5] = y;

			this.uvs[6] = x;
			this.uvs[7] = y;

			x = destinationFrame.x;
			y = destinationFrame.y;

			this.vertices[0] = x;
			this.vertices[1] = y;

			this.vertices[2] = x + destinationFrame.width;
			this.vertices[3] = y;

			this.vertices[4] = x + destinationFrame.width;
			this.vertices[5] = y + destinationFrame.height;

			this.vertices[6] = x;
			this.vertices[7] = y + destinationFrame.height;

			return this;

And here is how you render it. Assume that you have "this.app" application and "this.rt" renderTexture.

let obj = this.app.currentScene.getObjectByName('pixiTarget') as THREE.Mesh;
if (!obj) return;

this.renderer.render(this.stage, this.rt);

let mat = obj.material as THREE.MeshBasicMaterial;
let textureProps = this.app.renderer.properties.get(mat.map);
let baseTex =this.rt.baseTexture as any;

textureProps.__webglTexture = baseTex._glTextures[this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID].texture;


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