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Roughness 100% PBR Material problem with HDR


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Hi, I've recently been asked to develop a project in webGL and after doing a research, finally I've choosed  your awesome framework as the best option.

After several tests, I cannot get a pure matte 100% roughness PBR Material with a HDR enviroment map (I've tried with different HDRs too). It looks like always too shiny  even without any normal texture map.

I've set up a playground trying to show you this issue.


Is it possible to get a more rough/matte material in this scenario?

I've also noticed that without any normal/bump map applied, there are some hard transitions in the surface material (I've attached an image).


Thanks in advance for your support.



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About the first point, it is due to the use of an HDR texture vs a prefiltered texture. You can see how to create prefiltered texture from your hdr texture here: http://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/physically_based_rendering#env-map


About the second one, it comes from the precision of the used brdfTexture which is a Int texture by default. It works in most cases but if you require more performance you could rely on the provided float one:


Hopes it helps, do not hesitate to ask more about this as I an willing to improve the doc accordingly.

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Thank you so much. The float brdfTexture solved the issue with fresnel transitions. The only thing is that it doesn't work for safari mobile(I've taken a screenshot).

But even with the dds environment texture, we still notice a glossy shine effect with normal maps.

A workaround I've found is just to clamp the brdfTexture gamma in Photohsop to get the matte finish I wanted, but maybe is not the best way. Thanks!




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