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Opinions - ClonerObject


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So I am working on a Cloner Object with influencers.

I need some opinions.

First, are my alignment calculations necessary?  For a linear Cloner, I have Center Left and Right alignments, but that is going to cause me to have to work logic out for all instances which is a pain but what ever.

The Circular cloner wont really need Center, but will have Left and Right.

What an alignment is doing is giving the cloner system a basis of which direction the calculations should go when it comes to scaling/rotation/offsets on a per step or as a total value.

I am struggling with how to handle the scaling as it seems to not be as intuitive as the offsets or the rotation, and could use some advice on how to handle that.

Also looking for suggestions on what people would want out of a cloner object.  Eventually I want it to be a system similar to C4D's cloner object.

Any input would be appreciated, Trying to keep it simple but effective.

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I think adding 'Cloner Objects' as they work in C4D would be excellent. I'm not exactly a C4D fan as you know, but this is an excellent feature. As for setting the pivot points, this should simply be an attribute of a Cloner function in BJS, or use the setPivotPoint() function so that it isn't a separate call that needs to be made... in my opinion. However, it appears you're on your way to achieving... perhaps.


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Pivot points would come into play with the base mesh I would imagine.  But great idea!!

i know we already have a clonerobject, but it functions like c4d cloner with its distribution set to a reference mesh.  

It could be way more robust, and have facet/point/random surface distributions along with a seed. 

Plus with circular and linear options I think it could be really useful, especially as I start introducing effectors.


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