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Phaser 3 animation framerate


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Hello, I'm experimenting with some basic animations. I have a 4 frame idle animation and would like to set the speed at which transitions occur from frame to frame. In an example and many other examples - the code looks like this:

        key: 'idle',
        frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('playerSheet',{start: 0, end: 3}),
        framerate: 16,
        repeat: -1
this.anims.play('idle', objLayer);

however the animation is very fast - stupidly so. So I tried using a different framerate expecting different results but they weren't different results. In fact, even setting the framerate to 0 didn't change the speed of the animation. 

Is there another property that achieves what I want to do - i.e slow down the animation? Otherwise, what's the point of the framerate property?

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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