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Porting Phaser 3 game back to Phaser 2


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I have been working on a FB instant game since the past few months using Phaser 3. The development work finished early on, but there were issues with Phaser 3 on iOS devices which kept me from successfully testing the game on my iPhone and hence releasing it. The unknown bugs also got the app rejected on FB platform a couple of times without me understanding my. 

Now I find out that most FB instant games which use Phaser have used Phaser 2 (I asked many developers). I am considering porting my game back to Phaser 2 so that I can release the game on FBInstant even if it has its disadvantages. I can always port back to Phaser 3 after a few months. Has anyone had experience doing this? Is it a lot of changes? I hope there to be some API changes but overall a 1:1 from old APIs to new APIs.



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