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EnterIncorrectOrientation on Kindle Fire


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For some reasons EnterIncorrectOrientation isn't getting called on my Kindle Fire for my landscape app.  It works fine on iPad/iPhone/Android.


I looked at the checkOrientationState - window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight work fine (at least in isolation) on the Kindle Fire.  Any ideas?  Maybe Silk (the browser on Kindle) user agent isn't being accounted for somewhere?

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Hmm - that event is fired whenever the window dimensions don't match the mode you picked. There is nothing browser specific in the check (Kindle or Silk aren't even mentioned in the whole class. Could you boil it down to a specific piece of code I could test please?

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Hi Rich,

  I've restricted the example to an index.html, a 'GameGo.js' that simply has the window.onload, and a Boot.js. 


If you compare functionality on a non-kindle device to a kindle it should be immediately obvious.  If you can't replicate it let me know.   




It should show a black screen when in landscape mode, and it turns red and does an alert when you go to portrait.

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