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Trying to create instance, .babylon assets work but .gltf doesn't. Why? (see PG)


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16 hours ago, NasimiAsl said:


my questions followed: 


1. As shown in this PG, my goal is to show dragon one by one, walking towards you, so I used setInterval, is it a good way to do it and if not, any alternatives?

2. I can't seem to hide the original dragon, if I dispose it, nothing will be cloned, but if I just set its isVisible = false, doesn't work.

3. How do I play / stop the animation of the cloned dragons?  I don't know where to find the animation instance to play. 



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  1. setInterval works. You can also use promises and use Tools.DelayAsync, but I don't think that will be much easier.
  2. isVisible does not affect the children. You can use setEnabled(false) for this purpose.
  3. This one is trickier. I don't think there is a way to do this right now without walking the mesh hierarchy. I've filed an issue.
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