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how to decelerate sprite arcade physic


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On 11/7/2018 at 11:40 AM, marcovitch said:

Thanks mapacarta, I tested setDrag, (is not 0-1 but a "pixels seconde squared") so this solution not work fine for me.

I use this exemple for testing "http://labs.phaser.io/edit.html?src=src\physics\arcade\velocity from angle.js" with no gravity and i would like make deceleration in the bird

As far as I know when damping set to true, setDrag takes value between 0-1.

I don't know how it works when damping is false

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Hi, I have a problem with my game (like 'billard' game), when I launch the first ball and when this ball is completely stoped if I launch seconde ball and this ball hit the frist the collider don't work (the first ball don't move)
if you don't understand this is a exemple, you wait the first ball completly stoped

exemple : https://codepen.io/marcovitch/pen/dQGomO

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