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How to call a function inside another function


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Hello, So I actually have the following code that works:

var player;
var box_tnt;

function create (){
    this.physics.add.collider(player, box_tnt, hitTnt, null, this);

//the function hitTnt stop the game because the player died
function hitTnt (player, boxes){
    gameOver = true;

and I want to do something like:

var player;
var box_tnt;

function create (){
    this.physics.add.collider(player, box_tnt, hitTnt, null, this);

//the function hitTnt stop the game because the player died
function hitTnt (player, boxes){
    //other stuff here

function gameOver (){
    console.log('Game Over!');
    textGameOver.setText('GAME OVER');
    gameOver = true;

but I have the following message:


TypeError: this.gameOver is not a function

Do you have please any ideas how to do it properly?

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The code above first assigns `gameOver` to a function, then the function reassigns itself to a boolean - `gameOver = true;`. Functions in JavaScript behave like any other variable, so that line overwrites the value of your function. You should change the name of one of them - either the function or your intended variable.

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