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Stuck on the ground, arcade physics


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It did not occur to me, unless I was pressing left/right+up buttons then it was stuck on the ground until the ground-ended then it moved up. Also when pressing up it does a small bounce then launches up that also looks un-realistic so maybe if the keybindings got a bit of a rework it would generate the feeling of flying better.


I hope it helps.

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There's nothing wrong with the keybindings; it's very simple left, right, and up, modifying only the velocity of the player. Something is going on with the collision response, where I can't escape the ground unless I double-tap the up key or "wiggle" a bit first.  

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The problem ended up being the order I was doing things in update.  I was checking for input first, and then doing overlap and collide checks.  Flipped the order around, solving collisions first and THEN checking for input, problem solved.

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