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Please help test Phaser 2.0.3 (would really appreciate it!)


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@ianmcgregor - thanks for that. Physics hasn't changed but the new game update order obviously has, which means state.update now gets called at a different point in time - I wonder if that may cause what you're seeing? Do you have a bit more code to show, or a link at all?

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Everything fine here with 2.0.3 too. My two games in development only use a single main state (aside from three others to bootstrap or show some small preload animations) so the state#update change is not really tested.

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Not sure if this will make sense out of context, and unfortunately I can't post the game publicly yet, but here goes:


In my sprite update loop I have:


this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this, this.collisions.ground); (collisions.ground is a tilemap.createLayer group )


Jumping sets velocity.y to -1000 or so, but on the next update it has gone back to a positive number (with the hero staying on the ground).


If I remove the ground collision the jump works correctly (the hero is running through the ground on the bottom edge of the world bounds, but can jump).


With 2.02 the jump works as expected, with the ground collision in place.

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