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Phaser 2.0.0 Loading Problem


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I have a loading bar with two images (1 bg and 1 fg)

While loading, bg looks good but fg image looks like 1px height image :( Like this,


We can't downgrade version because of page effects, and we can't upgrade because of physics, too.


I couldn't find a solution, can anyone help ?



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You need to upgrade, sorry. There's no other easy fix, besides maybe trying to copy over just the specific files you need to resolve this. But before spending time on that you should give 2.0.2 a test and see what happens, it may work better than you expect (maybe :))

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Thx so much, u saved my ass :D


You need to upgrade, sorry. There's no other easy fix, besides maybe trying to copy over just the specific files you need to resolve this. But before spending time on that you should give 2.0.2 a test and see what happens, it may work better than you expect (maybe :))

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