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I'm sure I'm missing something very obvious, but, can anyone point out where I'm going wrong here:

shotBMD = game.add.bitmapData(8, 8);shotBMD.context.drawImage(game.cache.getImage('shot'), 0, 0, 8, 8);var col = shotBMD.getPixel32(3,3);// Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '27' of undefined 
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BitmapData.getPixel32 will give you an rgba color value (warning: endianess applies)

BitmapData.getPixel and BitmapData.getPixelRGB (which is what the example above uses) gives you a color object like you posted above.


The difference between the two is that getPixel works across the slower data array, but is really useful in some cases.

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I don't think I'm confused about how it should work, I think the returned data is incorrect.


this code:

bgBMD = game.add.bitmapData(350, 130);bgBMD.draw(game.cache.getImage('bg'), 0, 0);var col;col = bgBMD.getPixel32(1,1)console.log(col)col = bgBMD.getPixel32(10,10)console.log(colcol = bgBMD.getPixel32(100,100)console.log(col)col = bgBMD.getPixel32(150,100)console.log(col)col = bgBMD.getPixel(1,1)console.log(col)col = bgBMD.getPixel(10,10)console.log(col)col = bgBMD.getPixel(100,100)console.log(col)col = bgBMD.getPixel(150,100)console.log(col) 


returns this:


Object {r0g0b0a1h0…}play.js:62
Object {r0g0b0a1h0…}play.js:64
Object {r0g0b0a1h0…}play.js:66
Object {r0g0b0a1h0}


from this image:


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With your image, and more importantly the following code, I get this:

var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create });function preload() {    game.load.image('pic', 'assets/wip/bg.png');}var bmd;function create() {	bmd = game.make.bitmapData(800, 600);	bmd.draw('pic', 0, 0);	bmd.update();	game.add.sprite(0, 0, bmd);	var col;	col = bmd.getPixel32(1,1)	console.log(col)	col = bmd.getPixel32(10,10)	console.log(col)	col = bmd.getPixel32(100,100)	console.log(col)	col = bmd.getPixel32(150,100)	console.log(col)	col = bmd.getPixel(1,1)	console.log(col)	col = bmd.getPixel(10,10)	console.log(col)	col = bmd.getPixel(100,100)	console.log(col)	col = bmd.getPixel(150,100)	console.log(col) }
0042847647374284764737Object {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1, h: 0…}Object {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1, h: 0…}Object {r: 65, g: 82, b: 100, a: 255, h: 0…}Object {r: 65, g: 82, b: 100, a: 255, h: 0…}
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