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Any tip on how this can be done ?


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I have searched on web but i didn't found anything useful so i am trying here for a tip.

I want to make a game where i can handle a collision between a predefined game object (a sprite) and a dynamically shaped object, like the crate and the curve in the image attached to this post.

I want to be able to change the curve charateristics programatticaly and still get the colision events with the game sprites. 

I was thinking about trying to do the checking on an off-screen canvas but i didn't find any kind of tutorial on this in any kind of game engine. Could it be possible doing it with Phaser ?


Thanks in advance 



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as far as i understood he needs even more precise collision detection..  if he want's to dynamically change the shape a circle will not do it..  and what if the box comes from the other side of this curve?


i'd say this is a job for a polygon and can only be done with p2 physics   - but when the shape changes you would have to change the polygon body too.. thats **** hard to do!



another approach (given i understood right and you want the exact collision body for this "bow shape")  would be to make this shape out of several small sprites linked together with a constraint and then just change the positions of these (static) mini bodies -- and the collision shapes will change automatically with them..   


i'm thinking of something like this  - just without the physics determining the movement..  



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