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get absolute path for stage


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i work on my first project with stage managment. 

Im littlebit confused coz when i make a function, in the function the 'this' is not a reference for the Basicgame.Mainmenu.
usually i use argument for get it. like this:




func: function(place){




but now i  have to use my function on multiple place. and somewhere i cant use argument for it. 
how can i get the absolute path to Basicgame.MainMenu stage?

i tryed basicgame.mainmenu but it is just a function. and not same when i use 'this' in the mainmenu.


sry for my english and thx for any advice

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This is most likely a problem with the way you are structuring your code. As lewster32 said, would be easier to see the code of where the function is located and where you are calling it from to know the correct context.

And please us the code tag when pasting code as it is much easier to read and follow.

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i solved my problem. but i dont understand already.
how can i get basicgame.mainstage object


when i write a console.log(this)  in the 


BasicGame.MainMenu = function (game) {     console.log(this)      // its print out BasicGame.MainMenu {}},
but when im in deep one of the function and would use 'this'
its not point to BasicGame.MainMenu {}
my only js knowledge from the codeacademy. but its far not enought
before i started use the stages i could use the game variable to point of stage. 
but now i have to use 
i tryed to use this
BasicGame.MainMenu.add.sprite... but it wont work
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When using states, 'this' inside the functions defined in the state is populated with some values; this.game being the important one. I think if you look at the following sample project's main 'Game' state, you can see how to structure your game and how to access various items:




Scope is a tricky beast, and the myriad ways of writing JavaScript makes it all the more tricky. Stick with it though, you'll figure it out soon enough! :)

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