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Group For Each problem.


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Hello there.


Im new to phaser so im trying to learn it, but in the process i have came across a few troubles with groups and forEach method.


Here is what i have:

starGroup.forEach(function(eachStar) {      if (gameBegun==true && planeSprite.body.hitTest(eachStar.x+8, eachStar.y+30) && eachStar.frame<=30)      {            eachStar.animations.play('taken', 24, false, true);       }      if(eachStar.frame>50)// this line here doesnt work for some reason      {            alert('easf');      }});

So if you notice that if(eachStar.frame>50), it doesnt work, for some strange reason it doesnt work.

It works if i do frame<50. So its really odd.

< works

> doesnt work.


I also have a problem if i say eachStar.destroy(), i also seted it to true like so: eachStar.destroy(true) but it gives me the following error: "Type Error: eachStar is undefined."

eachStar.kill() works but i want to completely remove eachStar under certain circumstances.



So whats causing such problems?







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Obvious one first - do you actually have any sprites with a frame set > 50?


Easy enough to test - console.log out eachStar.frame inside your function and see what comes out.


Yeah the console log for eachStar.frame is stuck at 0 but not sure why.


Maybe im calling the wrong thing. What i want is currentFrame so when an aniamtion is at a certain frame to do a certain thing.


When i made my group animations, it was like this:


starGroup.callAll('animations.add', 'animations', 'idle', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30], 24, true);

starGroup.callAll('animations.add', 'animations', 'taken', [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51], 24, true);

starGroup.callAll('animations.play', 'animations', 'idle', 24, true);


So i thought it plays those frames, but it seems when it plays idle its stuck at frame 0. But the animation "idle" plays.






For the second problem, so then how can i remove (i mean destroy, not kill) a certain sprite from that group when a certain thing happens?



Thanks a bunch for the replies.

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Killing a sprite will be fine in the majority of cases as it stops rendering and calculating physics, so unless you're spawning thousands of sprites constantly like in a particle system, this won't be a concern. You should really be pooling your objects like the bullets in this example rather than creating and destroying mid-game: http://gamemechanicexplorer.com/#bullets-2

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Killing a sprite will be fine in the majority of cases as it stops rendering and calculating physics, so unless you're spawning thousands of sprites constantly like in a particle system, this won't be a concern. You should really be pooling your objects like the bullets in this example rather than creating and destroying mid-game: http://gamemechanicexplorer.com/#bullets-2


Thanks for the reply.


So you are saying that if i kill all the sprites like: level buttons, backgrounds, all levels stuff and then add others (for example like hiting retry), it wont cause any performance problem throughout the game?

What about the lesser mobile devices?

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Kill them and revive them when you want them back. Sprites, buttons and so on are all just data representations which take up comparatively minuscule amounts of memory - the assets such as images they use for textures (which take up the majority of the memory in any app) are just referenced, so the difference between 1 and 10,000 sprites is tiny memory-wise, when compared to adding another image for instance. It's rendering performance which would make a difference if you tried to display 10,000 sprites, but if 9,999 of them were dead, the performance would be pretty much the same as if you only had a single sprite.


By pooling your objects and reviving them when they're needed, you ensure the memory footprint remains consistent. If you start creating and deleting/destroying lots things in-game you'll get the garbage collector stepping in every so often and that tends to create noticeable 'hitches' while it cleans up all the deleted objects.

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Managed to fix my problem with frame also.

Instead of eachStar.frame i used eachStar.animations.currentFrame.index

But also had to use another if(eachStar!=undefined) since it was giving an undefined error after an itteration when i killed that sprite.

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