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Feedback on my Asteroids game


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Thank you sir! (assuming you are a sir :-) )


The final graphics will be somewhat different, so I will probably not worry about that until I'm ready to fully work on them.  But I will note it so I can go back to it when it's ready.

I'll consider reducing the flickering, it's set to 3 seconds but maybe 2 seconds would be better?


Nice game !! 

- Blue asteroids are hard to hit (merges with the black BG)

- flickering time of the spacecraft after re-spawn can be reduced a little.

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Thank you very much!  Hmm.. I've already lengthened the range once, maybe I will do it again, I will play with it to see.


Not on github, I don't know, I have an account but I never got into version control stuff.  I just prefer to make zips of my source, yeah it's a little work and clutter, but I'm more comfortable working that way.


Thanks for playing!


Good game !


Love the way you've got the screen wrap-around working as well !


I think the range of the bullets of the ship shoud be a bit longer...


Is it on github ?

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Hi there I just tried your Asteroids game in Chrome and it worked well.  The actual gameplay is good and very authentic.


I am not sure if you wanted comments about the UI but here are my thoughts. Maybe some of this you already have in mind but here's what I think anyway.


Personally I think with Asteroids (or Asteroids clones) you have a choice of doing it two ways:


Either:  Pure retro 2-colour graphics (outline only ship and rocks, everything white-on-black, with a pixel-style font as per your title screen)

OR: More modern textured graphics with maybe 256 colours or more and big juicy rocks and explosions.


Visually, yours sits somewhere between these two and feels like it needs to be made either fully retro or modern.  It is not quite going far enough in either style.


It needs a few tweaks to make it feel nicer but nothing major.  Things like 'lives left' would like nicer as ship icons.   Try and use a different font besides Arial.   The explosions are a bit weak and need more 'oomph'.  It would be great if you could get chunks of rock flying away from the impact or just 'inflate' the explosion itself.  (Consider using a tween to make the explosion get bigger for 1 second before it disappears).  Also I think your actual asteroids might need a little more variation in shapes so they don't all look the same.  (Or just rotate some of them randomly using the 'angle' property).  Ideally rotate them constantly as they float around (again I think you could use a tween for this).


The gameplay you've done is awesome and feels like a proper asteroids game. Just need a little polish to the UI.


You might want to consider using a nice spacey/planety background image too?


Nice work!



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owen, I really appreciate the feed back but there is a 'but' :-)  Those are all really good suggestions, I may or may not use some of them (this is no reflection on your suggestions, as I will explain).  The graphics you see are simply programmer art or more appropriately placeholders, I actually have some stuff I will add to make the game more unique.  The great thing is, that I"m not getting many bug reports but instead how to make it look nicer (It means that the program seems to run well, and I shouldn't have as many problems implementing said changes).


There will be some sort of backdrop, haven't decided whether scrolling or just static (as it's a single screen game).  The asteroids themselves are simply me drawing freehand in different colors.  Also I will be adding little visual cues (for instance point bonuses and what not), and stuff like you said about the explosion tweening.  I just needed something quick and dirty, so I scribbled up 3 frames as visual feedback for destroying asteroids.  The font is just a font that everyone has while I work out what I'm going to do about the text, I assure you it won't be arial when it's done, in fact it will most likely be a custom bitmapped font.


It will even have sound and possibly music (although the music may just be tonal like the jaws-like DUH-duh-DUH-duh of the original asteroids).  In any case It looks like I'm mostly done with the basic gameplay, so after a bit more testing I can get cracking on the more unique aspects of this asteroids game.


Again thanks for playing, and thanks for the feedback, I will be making a note on your suggestions for the future.

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Well the phantom asteroids are essentially physics bodies that some how "pop into" the playfield --  has something to do with whenever I warp the asteroids to the opposite side (like I will warp the asteroid when it goes off one side of the screen completely, but I also warp all the others.


You can see this effect when you see the asteroids coming across the edges with either blue green or yellow transparent squares, that automatically switch to red, the red is your primary sprite, the rest are the clones.


I don't know why the physics bodies randomly pop in though.


You can see this effect in the latest version I uploaded.


Anyone have any ideas?

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AlienSync - I have some ideas that will make it fairly interesting, however right now I"m still trying to figure out why the physics bodies keep popping in randomly.  It means you seem to die unexpectedly.  The latest version should have the transparent squares where the physics bodies are located to see what i mean.

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Cool, and if your current graphics are just 'place holders' you pretty much have this game nailed  :)


About the font -  Personally I really like the one on your title screen.  It would be great to see that in the game itself. 


Look forward to seeing the finished version...

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I can start the game but the asteroids don't appear..? It's just a spaceship flying on a black background. Running the page in Chrome v37 on Windows 8


That's because I didn't expect anyone to reply to this anymore, I had to rewrite my asteroid code so I could fix the bug that killed you without you knowing what hit you.


You can try it again now, hopefully there won't be any "ghost asteroids" just destroying you with no apparent reason --





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There's not a big visible change -- there's a lot that's been refactored 'under the hood' so-to-speak.  I've changed the way I do asteroids, and have changed the graphics a bit.

Let me know if it gets horrendously slow.  However before deciding something is wrong with the game, make sure to close everything and restart (even a computer reboot if it's not too much trouble).  Some people just assume it's the game when half the time it's any number of things, cache being full, multiple open tabs, a lot of cpu intensive stuff, type of browser and os.  There's just a bajillion things that could cause the slow down.

That being said, I have experienced a bit of a slow down when you destroy asteroids, has to do with scaling the asteroids in-game instead of pre-scaling them.

Let me know.



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