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File Structure


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This may be a naive question, apologies if so, I'm just wondering how everyone structures the actual files of their Phaser games.


By that I mean, do you break each core section out into it's own .js file. For example, I'm thinking I'll have a file ( I so want to call it a class ) just for the preload method, where I can hide away all the game.load calls, as I don't want to be seeing them in my main.js file every day.


My current thinking is I'll have a Main file that would have my global vars and kickstart the game off, ie


game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, '', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update });


And then my preload method ( Argh, function ) would be in it's own preloader.js and so on.


Is this a valid / common approach, or am I just clinging too much to OOP where it doesn't fit ?





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That's exactly the approach that I use, except that I tend to split things like preloading etc. into states primarily; each in its own js file. So my preloader (Preloader.js) is a state inside of which I handle all of the preloading tasks and what not and then transition into the next state (maybe the title screen). You can see an example of this in phaser/wip/examples/state

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I do the same but it depends on the size of the game how far I'll break it down. For Wolfblood I had a sub-folder for every mini-game as there were loads of them. Then inside those I had a Preloader, the main Game and often some support files too (game specific objects). In the root I had a Boot file, the Preloader and some BBC specific stuff. I would recommend the use of a Boot state, I made a post on this forum about it a week or two ago, it's worth reading imho as it shows you how to make a proper preloader :)

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Cool thanks mate. I'm Class happy so I'm trying to calm that down a little bit as its taken on OCD levels ( I did a quick file count for the source files in O2 the other day, 434, which is mental ).

I think I may have used your Boot method without realising it, just a simple main file with the update method in it and using a function pointer to handle my state machine ( I'll check yours out though, I'm devouring any and all examples atm ).

In all honesty I actually enjoyed coding in js today for the first time ever, I'm panting for the Phaser docs ( I guess I'm the first to mention that ;) ) but having some AS3 like structure was really nice. Also using Light Table is like coding in the future.


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