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Phaser 2.4.0 "Katar" Released


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Hi, :)

just updated to 2.4.1  (in a previous post I made with 2.4.0 removeImage was causing trouble), it's working well con 2.4.1, however,

removeSound is getting stuck in an infinite loop.  it does remove the item from the cache, but then there's an infinite loop logging: WARN "Phaser.Cache.isSoundDecoded: Key "sfx_xxx" not found in Cache."


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Thanks! I just upgraded from 2.1.3 to this version. Few small changes, mostly due some workarounds I needed for 2.1.3.


Few notes.. PIXI version has bug with WebGL filters and Masks. Doesn't allow both to be used at the same time if the parent/child is set in certain way. I was able to workaround this by adding mask as child to a Sprite/Image. Using Group doesn't work.


The game object can take the new "resolution" parameter, however the as the PIXI's texture loader is not used, the BaseTexture.resolution is not set automatically (PIXI detects at least @2x). I went and created boot state which reconfigures the cache's image data based on the url's, that way the textures are automatically resized by PIXI. But it's a hack, I think the Loader should do it automatically (or provide configurable callback to do it).

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Yeah inputs seem to be broken, before 2.4.0, my swipe listener worked fine (with both mouse and touch) using this.game.input.onDown.add() to get the starting point, and this.game.input.onUp.add() to check the actual movement. In the latter callback, this.game.input.activePointer.duration always return -1.

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