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Phaser classType : isoSprite


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Hello. I am trying to create isoSprites instead of normal sprites. I saw this on the phaser docs:


Then I assume I can't add a Phaser.isoSprite using just game.create().

group_example = game.add.group();
group_example.classType = Phaser.isoSprite;


// in the console it shows an error in one phaser.js lines "var child = new this.classType(this.game, x, y, key, frame);"

//"This object doesn't alllow this action" 

How can I do it then?

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classType would probably be something like Phaser.Plugin.Isometric.IsoSprite.
Not that it would make a difference since it only works if it accepts the same constructor arguments (you're missing 'z').

I'm not sure what you're trying to do?
Use 'new Phaser.Plugin.Isometric.IsoSprite(this.game, x, y, z, key, frame);' for a new IsoSprite.

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3 hours ago, thefailtheory said:

So i have created a pen with some content, i hope it can help

and, the question is : how to do the same pen with PhaserISo ?


and, here is a landscape that is the basic example


What do you mean by doing the same pen with Phaser?

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5 hours ago, Milton said:

classType would probably be something like Phaser.Plugin.Isometric.IsoSprite.
Not that it would make a difference since it only works if it accepts the same constructor arguments (you're missing 'z').

I'm not sure what you're trying to do?
Use 'new Phaser.Plugin.Isometric.IsoSprite(this.game, x, y, z, key, frame);' for a new IsoSprite.

Well, I was I wasn't sure if there was a difference between using group.create(...) or just use game.add.sprite(...) and then group.add(sprite). Yeah but I guess I can a isoSprite to a group without having to use "create"... 

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